[Inx] Hello old friends

Karl Goetz karl at kgoetz.id.au
Wed Feb 7 14:48:46 PST 2018

On 6/2/18 22:48, Dennis Gutowski wrote:
> Hello all, my name is Dennis. I have sent a few messages years ago
> through this mailing list.
> I was wondering if there is possibly a revamp in the works for inx, and
> if not, what would it take to update inx to ubuntu 16.04 or better yet
> 18.04, which is to be released in only a few months.
> -Denny

I must admit INX's 10th birthday slipped past without me noticing.

If anyone would like to restart development in any way, I suggest
starting with the original code

I'm not sure how much information came out last time reviving INX was
discussed but things have changed a lot in the last decade and some of
the functionality INX relied on has become harder to use or broken
(depending on your choice of base distribution).

This group, and the 'development' list at
https://lists.launchpad.net/inx-devel/ will both probably have clues
which will help anyone looking to continue with INX.


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